Wednesday, 24 April 2013

"The Most Enormous Gay Rainbow Across My Electorate"

My latest hero is Maurice Williamson, a politician from New Zealand. I find myself, sat staring at that bloomin' brilliant youtube video over and over again, nodding and grinning at everything that awesome man said. Yes, it was pure genius and seriously hilarious, but it was touching. It really was moving.

The speech had me laughing at his incredible way of putting things; showing how ludicrous (supposed) arguments opposing the bill and gay marriage are. It was refreshing. I found myself also having a deep ache, due to my complete inability to understand as to how people oppose gay marriage. His passion left tears in my eyes and a fire in my belly! The later and later countries leave passing gay marriage, the more and more shame and embarrassment countries will feel in the future.

It allows "two people who love each other to have that recognised".

As if Maurice's incredible speech wasn't heart-warming enough, before being followed by the passing of the legalisation of same sex marriage, a song was shared between lawmakers as they sang "Pokarekare Ana", a particularly eye-filling moment for me. Despite those who may have opposed the legalisation, the unity that was created must have been felt by everyone in that room.

To me "the most enormous gay rainbow" is that light at the end of this gloomy and ignorant tunnel: another law being passed for the benefit of gay people, another justice served to those who haven't done anything wrong. It shouldn't be something that should be debated, but it is. For this reason, I must salute Maurice Williamson and anyone else who speaks up and campaigns for gay marriage. I am so happy that New Zealand have passed legislation for same sex marriage. April 17th 2013.

A mistake I hear people often say is that "you have to be gay to care". No. No you don't. You're allowed to care no matter what. This is something that I feel incredibly passionate about, as you can read HERE.

This man and speech are fantastic.

Justice & Enormous Gay Rainbows,

The Girl in the Moonlight.

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