Thursday 2 January 2014

The Enjoyable Resolution: Carrie Says

Along with a few generic resolutions I've made (and assume I'll fail) and a few I plan on seeing through, I've decided to have another New Year's resolution that I will enjoy and will make sure that I succeed with. Last year my enjoyable resolution was to start a blog and that went well (in my eyes), so this year (drum roll please) I will be reading books that Carrie Hope Fletcher (itswaypastmybedtime) has recommended or spoken about in four of her videos then writing a blog post about each one! I have called this challenge "Carrie Says"!

The reasons for doing this are because I know I'll love it. I love to read and I love to write about books I've read so it's a win-win situation. In turn, whenever I've watched videos of Carrie talking about books, I've always said "I want to read them"... So I will! Lastly, when I'm busy but have enough time to sit down and do something for myself, I can be lazy and so instead, I'll read!

I'll be setting no time limit on when I read each book and I will have times when I'll be stupidly busy and won't be reading one of the books and although this may look like I'm not sticking to the resolution, it's just that sometimes I'll need to be focusing on something else and it would take the enjoyment away from it for me if I have a strict routine.  Despite this, it will make me more motivated to make time to read as I really am "asdfghjkl excited" about this.

It means I will be reading books that I may never have read without a push in the right direction, guided by Carrie. It will especially encourage to me to read books that I wouldn't have (mainly because I'm terrible for sticking to one author because I love them so much - although I've been getting so much better, I'll have you know) and this way, I can fall in love with loads of novels and authors.

This enjoyable resolution will probably carry on way into the next year and even the year after as I will still be buying books that I've wanted to read myself or have been recommended to read by others. I already, however, have reviews I wrote last year (oooo, it feels so odd writing "last year") that will be posted but even more postponed because of this, but that's okay! Considering written reviews, it should be mentioned that two books in these videos, I've already read and posted reviews about (Billy and Me and The Fault in our Stars) and so, they're not part of this!

These are the videos I will be choosing the books from:

Books and Cake
The October Club
"Finish Fewer Books"
Carrie's Book Haul

A new addition:

Dear Tom&Gi | The One When I Read Lots Of Books

I will be picking books from these videos randomly, in no particular order. I'm super excited to be joining two things I love together: reading and writing. I can't type how warm and fuzzy I feel about this. I'm feeling very motivated and that type of anticipation that makes my insides feel all gooey and my face all warm and red from wanting to get on with it.

This will take me ages to complete - especially considering I've got the busiest year coming up in terms of exams - but eventually, if it takes two/three years, I don't mind, I will complete this!

Words & Pages,

The Girl in the Moonlight.


  1. I'm currently reading The Fault in Our Stars and I'm loving it! I understand about the exam thing, I've got a ton coming up this year as well. Good luck with your resolution!

    1. Awesome! A huge good luck to you for your exams and thank you very much! :-)


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