Monday, 20 January 2014

Photographs of Memories

Today I was browsing through loads of photos, remembering all of the funny times I've had with my family, the sleepovers I've had with my friends that I'm so grateful to still have and the days out I went on. The pictures made me grin: photographs of memories.

I loved remembering all of the games my friends and I made up, all of the terrible - terrible - dance routines we created and all of the adventures we had together. We'd eat and watch films and talk a bit too loudly due to our excitement which in turn would cause someone's mum to have a hushed, irritated, but I'm sure endeared, word. We'd plan some extravagant scheme to go and tiptoe quietly into the kitchen and retrieve some more treats. They're some of my fondest memories because we're still creating awesome memories together that will make me just as smiley in the future.

It was awesome to see the images of my brother and me growing up in ink: our holidays; our lazy days; our lovely little childhood. I sat laughing at photos that were taken of my mum without her realising and photos of my dad doing something silly. They were lovely to look at.

Photos from secondary school make me happy too. Looking back, I treasure every moment of secondary school. I have some of the best memories from those five years.

Because of this, I decided to go and get some recent photos developed. The best thing about looking at these photographs - old and new - is that it reminded me to make every day as good as I can so that I have more memories to make me smile in the future.

One of my favourite quotes is "take a lot of pictures and only regret the ones you didn't take"; it reminds me to take them because I always forget to do so. Do pictures mean a lot to you?

Quickly switching to something partially related, I watched THIS video yesterday and it reinforced how important positive things can be. These photographs were everything positive and I thought to finish this post I would link you to some things that I hope make you feel positivity!

Gay rights speech (Watch until the end!)
A student and a fear overcome
A speech that made me cry (This video isn't here for the religious content - although, feel free to take it that way! - but for the wonderful woman that is truly incredible.)

All of the videos above are taking something rubbish (humanity, as a complete whole not seeing that gay rights are completely right and an issue that shouldn't be argued and simply done, a person with a fear that is relatable to many and bullying) and making it something positive. I'm not saying "go out an perform a speech", it just turned out that each video was a speech, I'm saying that you are a person who deserves to feel positivity - embrace it! Each of the people in these videos are my heroes.

Petals & Ribbon,

The Girl in the Moonlight.


  1. That is such a lovely quote! I'm such a fan of photos, they can bring so many fantastic memories flooding back, and they can help you to remember those little amazing things that you'd otherwise forget. Lovely post x


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