Friday 11 October 2013

My Blogging Bucket List

Today I have been feeling a bit nervous. I have a plan for my blog; I know vaguely what posts are going up when with a few exceptions that I'm comfortable with. However, recently, I've been rushing my posts, not being happy with the outcome of them. Today I wasn't sure what I was writing about for my Friday post.

I've been very busy and tired and although blogging is my release, - and always will be - I've found it a bit scary recently. I don't think it's writer's block; it feels more like "I've got so much to do ahhhhhh!" I love blogging. I can't write in words the genuine joy I get from it but if I'm not producing content that I am interested by, I can't expect anyone to like my blogposts and therefore for me to respect my blog.

Due to my disappointment with my blogposts, I want to write a blogging bucket list to get some blogging perspective on a Friday night.

I want to reach 50 members in the next year. For many this may seem not to be an ambitious hope, but for me, it is! I am proud as punch with the amount I have and it excites me a lot! I don't know whether I'll reach it but I've got 24 (at the time of writing) to go so, fingers crossed!

I want to take pictures. I've spoken before about how difficult I find it to take pictures for my posts. I'll leave it too late (recently I'll be sitting writing the blogpost on the night and not see why I should produce a naff picture) and become uninspired to do anything about it. The annoying thing is, I love it when I do use pictures I'm happy with. I'm just, for some reason not good at it!

I want to be creative. I really love writing short stories (Eyes Opened) and every now and then I want to be a bit daring and post one. I also love writing posts in a different format to a "traditional" blogpost, like a letter (Dear Mr. Ignorance...). I love writing about things out of my comfort zone, like talking about what a certain thing means to me (Comfort) or a lifestyle post (Sun, Water and Family Time). I want to write these posts that excite me so much.

All of the hopes above won't be achievable if I'm not happy with the posts I'm producing.

I have decided that, while I get my blogposts up to the standard I want them to be, I will go along with my blogging schedule (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) so long as I'm content with the post. If I'm reading over it sighing, I won't post it. It may be that I get more comfortable and happy and it may not be affected, but if it is, I want to document my blogging struggles because it's all part of the learning how to be a blogger for me. I'm hoping, if I do partake in holding back from posting that it won't last longer than two weeks (I am expecting to be posting twice still) and my schedule will be solid after I breathe a bit (if only for my slight obsession with posting on certain days). I hope it goes well!

What's on your blogging bucket list?  Have you faced any walls in the way of your blogging? Let me know.

Sparkles & Felt Tips,

The Girl in the Moonlight.


  1. Goodness, how similar my thoughts are to what you've posted here. Sometimes blogging feels so daunting... so hard to "plan" what to post and how to do it, and then keeping steam is whole different story! I think your steps are just what we both need though :)

    1. I was very glad to read this comment - thank you! I hope you find a way to get on track! :-)

  2. I once started a blog plan, then the days arrived and I had nothing to write! So in the end I gave up with the plan and just blogged when anything popped into my head :) Having said that, different ways work for different people but I love your idea of having a goal of 50 people, perhaps I will borrow your goal and aim for that too!

    Hayleigh xx


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