Wednesday 27 August 2014

This Summer

Although I'm not nearing the end of my summer quite yet, I feel like the end of August should involve a summery sum up of happy, sunny things that have made me grin these past couple of months.

I've adored a lot of things this summer; the things above not being a definitive list. There are a few I'd like to talk more about, though.


Of course all of the above have contributed to beautiful memories, but this summer has been so jam-packed with memories that have made my smile permanent. University is soon and I am more than grateful to know that while I'm at university, these memories will keep me warm. I have had lazy days with my brother, nights out with my friends, special trips and family treasures. I think I owe it to the people in my life to write down my gratitude; I really have some good'ns.


It wouldn't be right if I didn't mention books, would it? I haven't read as much as I wished to this summer, but I have some lined up for the rest of summer and lots for university too. However, I have read some awesome reads this summer. Reviews will be up in the near and far future, but I just think it should be known that the written word is awesome. It really is.


I've had many a butterflies in the summer of 2014. About the future; about my results; about university; about people being awesome; about music; about special nights. I've come to really value and appreciate butterflies and their power to make a nervous smile strong and happy, and very worthwhile. They used to be underrated in my life, but now, when they're the happy butterflies I've been experiencing, I adore the little things.

Bracelets & Promises,

The Girl in the Moonlight.

P.S. I'm really struggling to keep up with my blogging schedule and so I will, from now on, be posting twice a week; on a Monday and on a Friday. I respect my blog too much to promote a schedule to myself that I, at the moment, can't fulfil. I hope to eventually be blogging three times a week again in a month or so, but I'm too busy at the moment and I feel that it won't slow down enough for a while.


  1. Lovely post! The written word really is awesome! :)


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