Friday, 6 September 2013

The Loveliest Things in Life #2

A couple of months ago I wrote a blogpost about The Loveliest Things in Life but I know I missed a lot of things off of the list.

Making someone smile.

One of my favourite feelings is the fuzzy feeling I get in the evening after making someone smile. Some may call it an ego boost but being on this planet, for me, it is vital that people know I appreciate them and that, in turn, they'll remember me, in the course of time, for doing something nice. It might be writing my best friend a letter, sitting in the living room with my mum or telling a stranger I like their coat. It all counts.

When it comes to friends, I know it's important to make them smile for no reason at all or at a time when they really need it. It might be when they're perfectly happy or when they're upset. It could be as simple as sending them a text or having an hour long call with them (you know the ones where you hang up smiling). I might surprise them with their favourite chocolate bar or arrange something. It could be bigger. Whatever I do, I want my friends to know that I'm there: to talk, to cry on or to just be there.

With family, it's harder as I'm around them most but I know it's my family who need to know I appreciate them the most. So I'll buy my brother a film he really wants or make him his favourite food, I'll help my mum out with the dinner or watch TV with her and I'll act silly with my dad or arrange a day out to his favourite place.

What about making a stranger smile? Passing an elderly couple and smiling at them is one of my favourite things to do because that might just well make their day. Whenever I'm buying something at a shop I like to wish the person at the counter a fabulous day because they may come across some people that are rude or make the day harder. Or I like to help someone when they need it: pick up a kid's toy when the mum's got a thousand things in her hands; reach for something in the supermarket when someone can't; do something little to make someone smile for the moment.

Now, I don't try to make someone smile so that when I'm watching Eastenders in the evenings I can conclude the day by thinking "wow, I'm great." That's not what it's all about. Making someone smile means they'll get something out of an action that I do too: a little or big slice of happiness.

Smiles & Surprises,

The Girl in the Moonlight.


  1. Well this is awesome! Thank you so much! I will be posting a response tomorrow! I'm so overjoyed, I can't stop using exclamation marks!

  2. A great post, a smile can go a long way! Thank you for the follow! I am now a new follower of your lovely blog x x

    1. Thank you so much! That's definitely true! No problem - thank you for following me back :-)


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